Two individuals at a table; one person is reading a business newspaper, while the other is focused on using a laptop, highlighting a scene of collaboration and information absorption in a professional setting.

Business News Round Up (28/07/2023)

Closing ‘participation gap’ among over-55s could create 55,000 Scottish jobs

Bringing labour market participation among Scotland’s older workers up to …

Two individuals at a table; one person is reading a business newspaper, while the other is focused on using a laptop, highlighting a scene of collaboration and information absorption in a professional setting.

Business News Round Up (27/07/2023)

UK outlook upgraded by IMF but remains second slowest G7 economy

The UK has seen a huge turnaround in its …

Two individuals at a table; one person is reading a business newspaper, while the other is focused on using a laptop, highlighting a scene of collaboration and information absorption in a professional setting.

Business News Round Up (25/07/2023)

UK business confidence remains strong as firms boost AI investment

UK businesses are optimistic about their prospects in the coming …

Two individuals at a table; one person is reading a business newspaper, while the other is focused on using a laptop, highlighting a scene of collaboration and information absorption in a professional setting.

Business News Round Up (24/07/2023)

Insolvencies In Scotland jump as businesses battle rising costs

The number of Scottish companies filing for administration has soared as …

Two individuals at a table; one person is reading a business newspaper, while the other is focused on using a laptop, highlighting a scene of collaboration and information absorption in a professional setting.

Business News Round Up (20/07/2023)

UK economy to receive £1 billion boost through innovative trade digitalisation act

A new law allowing shipping containers to be …

Two individuals at a table; one person is reading a business newspaper, while the other is focused on using a laptop, highlighting a scene of collaboration and information absorption in a professional setting.

Business News Round Up (20/07/2023)

Scottish Export Index names twenty of the best export businesses

Twenty Scottish businesses were recognised for their exporting excellence and named in the Scottish Export …