Business News Round Up (24/09/19)

New Government report investigated the state of automation in the UK

The Automation and the Future of Work report from the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee has highlighted how the UK’s slow adoption of automation is being held back by a lack of action from the government. The report seeks to explain the UK’s low levels of productivity, set out the opportunities presented by robotics and AI and identify risks.

Safer Business Stronger Scotland urges Scots to take security pledge

Businesses of all sizes are being encouraged to become involved with a new national campaign aimed at helping them commit to improving all of their practices and policies. Safer Business, Stronger Scotland is backed by the Scottish Government and aims to create a strong economic base for Scotland by helping businesses, entrepreneurs and organisations to be more resilient to threats

Vulnerability of UK manufacturing to Brexit revealed by new study

Analysis of regional manufacturing performance by manufacturing group Make UK and business advisory firm BDO have revealed that the regions with a high dependence on export to the EU are likely to be hit by job losses if there is a no-deal Brexit.

Third of Scottish bank branches closed, research reveals

More than one third of Scotland’s bank branches have closed in the last four years. Consumer group Which? found that between January 2015 and August 2019 396 branches (38%) shut down as bank continued to close branches at an alarming rate, reducing the network from 1039 to just 643.