Business News Round Up (06/09/19)

Scottish export growth soars ahead of the rest of the UK

The latest regional trade statistic from HMRC show Scottish goods exports have risen four times faster than the UK average, with more than half exported to Europe. The value of Scotland’s total annual goods exports increased by 14.5% (£4.3 billion) to £34.0 billion in 2019, for the UK this figure was 3.3%.

Investment in Manchester commercial property continues to rise

According to figures released by advisors Colliers International, Manchester has experienced growth in the commercial property sector as 806,024 square feet worth of office space was taken up in the first half of 2019, representing a 54% increase on the long-term average.

Scottish SMEs cash in on regional selective assistance funding

Scottish Enterprise offered 69 regional selective assistance (RSA) grants to businesses last year worth £24.5 million, a 75% increase on the previous period. The grants relate to projects with planned capital expenditure of £316.4 million, which is expected to create or safeguard almost 2,400 jobs.

KPMG opens technology center in Manchester’s Circle Square

KPMG has become the latest professional services firm to expand its presence into the North West region as it builds upon its reputation as a technology hub. KPMG’s solutions and digital division will support the digital transformation of clients in the region, including service related to cloud computing, digital learning, responses to regulatory changes, automation and the use of technology to improve performance.